Dermijan skin & hair care

10 Surprising things that can cause wrinkles and prematurely age your skin

Wrinkles are often seen as an inevitable part of getting older. However, there are many lifestyle factors and behaviors that can prematurely age your skin and worsen wrinkles faster than genetics alone. By understanding these surprising causes of wrinkles, you can take steps to minimize further damage and maintain a more youthful complexion.

UV Rays from the Sun

Exposure to UV radiation from sunlight is the number one cause of early wrinkling. UV rays generate free radicals that break down collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. This loss of elasticity leads to wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and a rough skin texture. Always apply broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen as part of your daily skincare routine. Seek shade during peak sun hours. Wear protective clothing and hats when outdoors.

Smoking Cigarettes

The repetitive facial movements made when smoking cigarettes lead to fine lines around the mouth and eyes. But worse, the chemicals and free radicals from cigarette smoke degrade collagen and elastin, reducing skin elasticity and accelerating wrinkles all over the face and body. Quitting smoking can help minimize future wrinkles.

Dehydration from Inadequate Water Intake

Our skin cells require adequate water to maintain proper moisture balance and volume. Dehydration causes skin to become dry and shriveled, leading to a temporary but wrinkled appearance. Make sure to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily and consume hydrating foods like cucumbers, grapes, melons and soups to keep skin cells plump and minimize wrinkling.

Poor Nutrition from a Processed Food Diet

Diets high in processed foods and low in antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables and lean proteins can contribute to skin aging. Nutrient deficiencies paired with increased inflammation from a poor diet promote collagen breakdown over time. Eat plenty of colorful fruits, veggies, and anti-inflammatory fats for nourished, youthful skin.

High Stress Levels

Ongoing emotional stress causes elevated levels of cortisol and other inflammatory hormones that degrade collagen over time. Chronic stress also interferes with sleep quality. Find healthy ways to manage stress through yoga, meditation, therapy, journaling, or exercising to control cortisol and slow aging.

Repetitive Facial Expressions

Making facial expressions like squinting, frowning, or furrowing your brow can lead to etched-in fine lines and wrinkles over time. Try to be mindful of facial movements and limit squinting or frowning. Or place fingers lightly over areas when making expressions to limit skin folding.

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Insufficient Sleep at Night

Skimping on sleep causes impaired collagen production and allows stress hormones to remain elevated at night. Shoot for 7-9 hours of quality sleep nightly to allow proper cell repair and help prevent premature aging of the skin. Establish good sleep habits for your best complexion.

Environmental Pollution

Particles in pollution adhere to the skin, generating free radicals that damage collagen. Daily cleansing to remove pollution plus antioxidants to combat free radicals can help combat this. Also always wear SPF when outdoors. Limiting time outdoors when pollution is high helps too.

Using Harsh Skincare Products

Many skincare products contain harsh sulfates, fragrances and alcohols that can irritate the skin and strip the skin barrier leading to moisture loss. This dries out the skin, causing a more wrinkled appearance. Always use gentle cleansers, toners and chemical exfoliants formulated for your skin type.


While wrinkles from aging are inevitable, there are many factors under your control that can accelerate wrinkles prematurely. Protect your skin by minimizing these surprising causes of wrinkles through proper skincare, nutrition, stress management and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Your skin will thank you by looking more youthful for years to come.

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