Dermijan skin & hair care


whole-body Cryotherapy

Dermijan introduces an incredibly advanced and revolutionary method of whole-body Cryotherapy called Cryomatic. Our meticulously curated recovery and wellness program is beneficial for individuals from all walks of life, promoting holistic wellness through the therapeutic application of extremely cold air, which stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities.

How Cryomatic Works

Cryomatic treatment involves exposing the body to sub-zero temperatures, ranging from -140°C to -190°C, for up to 3 minutes. During this period, the skin’s surface temperature drops nearly to zero degrees, triggering various organ regulatory functions and providing benefits such as injury recovery, weight loss, anti-aging, and more.

How Cryomatic Works

Cryomatic Faq's

Cryomatic is an effective approach that exposes your body to intense cold temperatures ranging from -110°C to -180°C for a maximum of 3 minutes. This cold stimulus offers significant biological and physiological advantages, including improved metabolism for weight loss, enhanced blood flow, boosted immune function, speedy muscle rehabilitation, glowing skin, and an uplifted mood, among other benefits. Cryomatic has been recommended by healthcare professionals globally for decades, and numerous research studies have demonstrated its advantages.

Cryotherapy was developed in 1978 by healthcare practitioners in Europe and Japan. The successful treatment of rheumatism using nitrogen led to the further development of cryotherapy. Today, cryotherapy is widely used in developed countries, with some nations like Germany and France even reimbursing treatment costs through health insurance.

Before starting the Cryomatic program, our doctors will analyze your goals, health history, and current lifestyle to suggest the right program for you. The therapist will provide safety instructions and explain that the cryomatic chamber is chilled using liquid nitrogen vapors, keeping the skin in contact with cool air while ensuring nitrogen is safely vaporized internally within the cryomatic equipment. Nitrogen is a non-hazardous gas, similar to breathing regular air, and the chamber’s doors are never locked, giving you control over the therapy at all times. You should be completely dry and suitably clothed before entering the chamber, and any metallic clothing, jewelry, or piercings should be removed and stored safely in lockers.

The therapy is very tolerable and, for the most part, relaxing. Despite the extremely low temperature, the dry air within the chamber makes it very comfortable. The therapy only lasts a maximum of 3 minutes, so you won’t find the cold unpleasant except towards the end of the treatment, where you may feel a mild prickly sensation, which disappears once you exit the chamber.

Yes, claustrophobic individuals can use. Your head is always above the chamber during the session, and you will be breathing regular air while the therapist maintains eye contact with you. The chamber door is never locked, so if you experience discomfort, you can step out at any time.

In the intense cold atmosphere, the skin’s surface temperature drops close to freezing, which signals the brain that the body is in an unusual situation. The body activates survival instincts, enhancing overall blood circulation and releasing serotonin, endorphins, and natural anti-inflammatories into the bloodstream. Toxins are flushed out from critical organs due to the increased flow of oxygen and nutrient-enriched blood, setting the body into a self-preparatory phase for healing.

The therapy releases endorphins and serotonin, providing your body with additional energy. You’ll experience reduced muscular and joint pain, enhanced flexibility, glowing skin, and a fresh feeling, with effects lasting about 18-24 hours. The quality of your sleep may improve, and with continuous sessions, you can see differences in skin tightening, weight loss, and reduction in cellulite.

The number of sessions depends on your individual requirements. A single session provides an instant boost of energy, recovery, and a feel-good factor lasting up to 24 hours. Based on your health and weight loss goals, the doctors will suggest the number of sessions needed. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can benefit from pre and post-workout sessions to increase strength and endurance and assist in active recovery. For rheumatism patients, daily sessions for 2 to 3 weeks may lead to about 9 to 12 months of reduced pain. The number of sessions is tailored to your needs, and our therapist will help create a plan for you.

It is preferred to keep yourself dry before the treatment, and there’s no need to take a shower afterward. The entire treatment is dry, so you can get dressed immediately after the session.

Individuals with certain contraindications may not be able to undergo Dermijan treatments. Some of these include pregnancy, severely elevated blood pressure, recent heart attack, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, certain cardiovascular diseases, pacemaker usage, intermittent claudication, venous thrombosis, acute cerebral hemorrhage or stroke, epileptic seizures, Raynaud’s phenomenon, fever, cancer, lung conditions, bleeding disorders, severe anemia, individuals younger than 18 years old (parental consent required), acute kidney diseases, and acute disorders of the urinary tract. Our team of doctors and trained therapists are available to address any questions you may have and provide advice accordingly

Cryomatic is considered a low-risk therapy and is well-tolerated by all clients. A slight variation in blood pressure may occur due to vasoconstriction during the therapy, but it returns to normal after the session. Protective clothing provided during the treatment prevents frostbite on sensitive areas.

No, you will not get cold. In fact, the therapy stimulates the immune system, making you less susceptible to colds.

While Cryomatic cannot cure rheumatism, it can help alleviate some of the pain. A course of 10 to 20 treatments in quick succession can significantly reduce pain for rheumatism patients, even lasting for months after treatment.

After a Cryomatic session, it is advisable to avoid a jacuzzi or hot sauna for at least 6 hours. Additionally, alcohol consumption should be avoided for a couple of hours after the treatment.

Yes, you can. In fact, we highly recommend engaging in some form of workout immediately after your session. Working out after a session can prolong the benefits, and our therapist will be happy to provide a suitable schedule based on your requirements.

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