Dermijan skin & hair care

Liposculpture Lipo Gel

What is Liquid Lipo?​

What is Liquid Lipo?

Liquid Lipo is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that provides faster results without the discomfort associated with traditional Lipo. This treatment is ideal for individuals looking to reduce bulges around the abdomen, flanks, hips, back, and arms. To maintain the achieved results, it may require a combination of a balanced diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

What is the duration of the Dermijan Lipo gel treatment?

The Dermijan Lipo gel treatment takes several months to work and gradually shows its initial outcomes. The longevity of the results depends on how diligently you take care of yourself.

What is the duration of the Dermijan Lipo gel treatment?​
Will Lipo gel treatment lead to weight gain?​

Will Lipo gel treatment lead to weight gain?​

Liquid Lipo is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that provides faster results without the discomfort associated with traditional Lipo. This treatment is ideal for individuals looking to reduce bulges around the abdomen, flanks, hips, back, and arms. To maintain the achieved results, it may require a combination of a balanced diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Is the Lipo gel treatment suitable for everyone?

Although the Lipo gel treatment may be effective for many people, it might not work for everyone. Consider exploring alternative options like diet and exercise to achieve weight loss without undergoing surgery.

Is the Lipo gel treatment suitable for everyone?​

Lipo-Gel Faq's

Lipo-Gel Therapy targets specific body areas to reduce excess fat, focusing on the belly, waist, hips, thighs, and more.

Dermijan Lipo-Gel Therapy offers several benefits, including improved blood circulation, muscle relaxation, detoxification, weight reduction, and increased metabolism.

Individuals who are overweight, obese, or dealing with conditions like hypothyroidism may be suitable candidates for Lipo-Gel Therapy.

Dermijan Lipo-Gel Therapy stands out for its natural fat-burning approach. It targets specific areas of fat within the skin, accelerating the weight loss process.

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