Dermijan skin & hair care

Skin Fairness Treatment

Full body fairness treatment​

Benefits of Skin Fairness Treatments: Dermijan's skin fairness treatments offer a host of benefits, including:

  • Balancing skin tone for a more even complexion.
  • Enhancing skin radiance and reducing dullness.
  • Slowing down the aging process by promoting collagen production, thus preventing wrinkles.
  • Reducing the appearance of pigmentation marks, spots, blemishes, acne scars, and sunburn.
  • Exfoliating damaged and dead skin layers, revealing rejuvenated skin underneath.
  • Improving complexion by addressing uneven skin tone caused by premature aging.
  • Inhibiting melanin production, leading to a lighter complexion and natural radiance.
  • Encouraging cell turnover, allowing new, lighter skin cells to surface.

Key Features of Dermijan's Skin Fairness Treatment:

  • Dermijan, a trusted brand, has served numerous happy clients and boasts a remarkable track record of completing 10,000+ successful skin fairness treatments.
  • Clinics across India with experienced skin specialists, doctors, and state-of-the-art facilities.
  • A comprehensive and intensive analytical approach, considering past medical history and current condition, focuses on overall individual well-being.
  • A personalized program designed explicitly to cater to individual aspirations and lifestyles.
  • No side effects and no use of harsh bleaching substances.
  • Utilizes the latest skin-lightening technology for safe, efficient, and longer-lasting results.
  • Addresses the root causes of uneven skin tone and pigmentation issues, ensuring sustainable skin transformation.
Medi Facials

Skin Fairness Treatment Faq's

The treatment aims to achieve a natural-looking, fairer skin tone, similar to the unexposed parts of your body, such as the chest/abdomen.

Skin tone changes over time unless well-maintained. Proper skincare is essential to sustain the fairness results.

You can expect a brighter and more youthful skin tone. Dermijan provides safe and natural skin care solutions for soft and supple skin.

Dermijan offers a complete Skin Rejuvenation Treatment that delivers excellent and long-lasting results.

The average cost of skin-lightening treatment at Dermijan Healthcare ranges from Rs 1,800 to Rs 5,500, depending on the chosen method. Popular procedures include glow peel, instant glow peel, acne control peel, anti-pigmentation peels, and anti-aging peel, among others. Your counselor will suggest the most suitable option for you.

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